fredag den 11. september 2009

Studies in Waterpatterns

4 kommentarer:

  1. I might borrow one of your images to make a graphic work from it... Would you mind if I do that ? Of course, I'll reference your work!

  2. You are the most welcome of all to do that. Please do, i would be honored.
    Did you know that i discoverd your lines in these watterpatterns? Like the nature loved and missed you so much, that it had tried to draw you into its own flesh...

  3. Your pictures gives me inner peace, and I see the classic water graphics from Asia of whirling oceans, and gigantic waves. These pictures inspired Monet in his paintings, and like you, his pictures was filled with peace. vildskab og stilhed i et ( wildness and silence in one - is that you?;))

  4. Tak!! Kæreste Astrid! Jeg vidste ikke at Monet var inspireret af asiatisk kunst. Men jeg er glad for at du bringer så skønne mestre på banen her. Ja, vildskab og stilhed.
